Not only did everyone have a whooping good time at the hoedown, the Studio raised over $700! Thanks to Jenny Pearson for organizing the raffle, all of the prize donors, and our wonderful community!
Monthly Archives: April 2014
The Hoedown was a great success! Thanks to the dancers, the musicians, the volunteers!
Live human chess match
Hi Everyone,
After 5 years we are at last having the human chess match! It will be held in North Fork at the Mill Site on May 24th (9 am to 11 am).
We are looking for people who might donate used carpet squares for the chess board. Thity-two 3’x3′ sections are needed.
I will be playing Dale Livesey. You do not need to know how to play if you want to be one of the pieces.
Feel free to copy and put up the poster too (especially in Oakhurst)
Thanks very much,